Effect of fieldwork on the comprehension and retention of ecological concepts


  • Kerstin Morillo University of Zulia Author




fieldwork, ecological concepts, understanding, retention, experiential learning


The objective of the research was to determine the effect of fieldwork on the understanding and retention of ecological concepts in students of the 2nd year of General Secondary Education, from the Andrés Eloy Blanco Educational Unit in Cabimas, Zulia - Venezuela. It was a field and quasi-experimental research with a pretest-posttest design with a control and experimental group consisting of 70 students each, characterized by the learning of concepts in the classroom and in a natural environment, respectively. The instruments for data collection were a Self-Assessment Test of the Level of Knowledge about Ecological Concepts and a Simple Selection Test regarding the Level of Knowledge about Ecological Concepts. The results indicate a greater understanding and retention of ecological concepts in students who participated in fieldwork in natural environments and a greater attraction to the study of Biology as an area of training of the academic degree, indicating significant experiential learning. It is concluded that the application of fieldwork as a teaching strategy proved to be more effective than conventional classroom-centered instruction, in terms of learning about the ecological concepts addressed during the investigation and their retention over time.


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Original articles (linguistics)

How to Cite

Morillo, K. (2022). Effect of fieldwork on the comprehension and retention of ecological concepts. Orkopata. Revista De Lingüística, Literatura Y Arte, 1(2), 7-20. https://doi.org/10.35622/j.ro.2022.02.001