The comparison of animal figures in Chinese and Spanish proverbs: the case of bovine livestock




bovine livestock figure, comparative analysis, cultural linguistics, intercultural communication, proverb


Proverbs are one of the most representative expressions of a country or nation's language and culture. Both in China and Spain, there is a large number of proverbs related to animals, and bovine livestock possesses a special and important meaning in both cultures. Therefore, starting from the theoretical framework of cultural linguistics and linguaculture, and employing the method of comparative analysis, this work aims to construct a corpus of Chinese and Spanish proverbs about bovine livestock and carry out a contrastive analysis. The objective is to reveal the similarities and differences between the images of bovine livestock in the proverbs and cultures of both countries, as well as to better understand the differences between the peoples of China and Spain in terms of their life habits, ways of thinking, and ideologies. By deepening the knowledge of the image of bovine livestock in the proverbs of both nations, we hope to facilitate and increasingly enrich intercultural communications between China and Spain.

Author Biographies

  • Shiyang Liu, Universidad de Asuntos Exteriores de China
    Profesora de la Universidad de Asuntos Exteriores de China, doctorado en Traducción y Estudios Interculturales de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Sus líneas de investigación son estudios interculturales, traductología y adquisición de segunda lengua.
  • Xingwang Dong, Universidad de Asuntos Exteriores de China

    Licenciatura en Filología Hispánica. Sus líneas de investigación son traducción y estudios interculturales.


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Original articles (linguistics)

How to Cite

Liu, S., & Dong, X. (2024). The comparison of animal figures in Chinese and Spanish proverbs: the case of bovine livestock. Orkopata. Revista De Lingüística, Literatura Y Arte, 3(2), 23-44.

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