The transmission of cultural elements in the indirect translation into Spanish via English of El Callejón de los Milagros by Naŷīb Maḥfūẓ. Some translational reflections


  • Shaimaa Radwan Ain Shams University Author



Midaq Alley, translation from Arabic into Spanish, mediating text, cultural elements, translation techniques


Naŷīb Maḥfūẓ is considered the father of contemporary Arabic literature. He won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1988. From this date, his literary production was translated into many languages, including the Spanish language. Naŷīb Maḥfūẓ's narrative was transmitted into Spanish directly from the Arabic language, and was sometimes realized through a mediating text. In this article we are going to study the novel Midaq Alley, which was indirectly translated from Arabic to Spanish in 1988, through English, as a mediating language. In our research, a comparative analysis of the original text with the two versions in English and Spanish is carried out and it is found that there are some differences related to the translation of cultural elements, as well as the techniques of their translation. Well, it stands out that many of the techniques used in the translation of the mediator text were transferred to the Spanish target text, although they are inconvenient to the context. Comparing the results, it is concluded that the indirect translation could be an inconvenient option for a translator and that it could affect the final reception by the readers.

Author Biography

  • Shaimaa Radwan, Ain Shams University

    Lecturer of translation and translation studies at Department of Spanish, Faculty of Al Alsun, University of Ain Shams. Ph.D. Problems of translating cultural elements between Arabic and Spanish. M.A. Diploma of Written Translation and Simultaneous Interpreting B.A. Hispanic Philology. My Areas of Research are Critical practice and theory of translation, Translation and Comparative Cultural Studies, Discourse Analysis and New Spanish arabists and translation.


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Original articles (linguistics)

How to Cite

The transmission of cultural elements in the indirect translation into Spanish via English of El Callejón de los Milagros by Naŷīb Maḥfūẓ. Some translational reflections. (2023). Orkopata. Revista De Lingüística, Literatura Y Arte, 2(1), 26-53.

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