constructional approach to the resultative semantics of the v+shang (上‘up’) construction in chinese




chinese, directional-resultative construction, linguistic corpus, semantics, up


Chinese, as a satellite-framed language, frequently and systematically uses the [verb + directional particle] (V+DP) construction to describe movement and resultative aspect by analogy, indicating the realization of the denoted event. Due to the lexical meaning carried by DPs, when indicating the realization of the event, the V+DP is characterized by having both literal and figurative meanings. Shang (上 ‘up’) is one of the most frequently used DPs to merge with verbs, forming new lexical units with a unitary meaning. This work focuses on the V+shang (上 ‘up’) construction with the aim of analyzing its resultative meaning from a constructionist perspective, highlighting its figurative uses. Based on real data extracted from the BCC (BLCU Corpus Center) corpus, this study examines the schematic resultative meaning of V+shang (上 ‘up’) from a constructionist viewpoint, positioning the various instances of this construction along the lexico-grammatical continuum. The results reveal that V+shang (上 ‘up’) presents two main resultative uses, which can be summarized as ‘more’ and ‘good’, underlying the metaphors MORE IS UP and GOOD IS UP, respectively. This study concludes that the V+shang (上 ‘up’) construction not only decodes physical and literal displacement but also functions metaphorically to describe the completion of the denoted event, explicitly indicating the result of that event in a metaphorical manner.

Author Biographies

  • Yuan Wang, Universidad de Granada

    Doctora en el programa de Lenguas, Textos y Contextos por la Universidad de Granada (España). Tiene especializaciones en el Estudio Contrastivo de la Fraseología entre español y chino. Sus líneas de investigación incluyen la fraseología, la semántica, el lenguaje figurativo en ambas lenguas, así como la enseñanza del español para aprendices chinos.

  • Antxon Álvarez, Universidad de Granada

    Profesor del departamento de Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura de la Universidad de Granada (España). Pertenece al grupo de investigación HUM 1011 en didáctica de lenguas extranjeras y ha sido profesor de ELE durante 30 años en la misma institución. Sus líneas de investigación abarcan todo el espectro de la didáctica de ELE en la Educación reglada y universitaria





Original articles (linguistics)

How to Cite

Wang, Y., & Álvarez, A. (2024). constructional approach to the resultative semantics of the v+shang (上‘up’) construction in chinese. Orkopata. Revista De Lingüística, Literatura Y Arte, 3(3), 7-28.