Cognitivist analysis of the resultative semantics of phrasal verbs with chu (出 'out') in Chinese
comparative linguistics, grammar, linguistic analysis, semantics, south and southeast Asian languagesAbstract
Being a satellite frame language, Chinese abounds in [verb + directional particle] constructions (V+DP). Semantically, V+DP expresses literal movement and resultative aspect, indicating the culmination of the event. When denoting resultative aspect, the amalgamation of the verb and the DP corresponds to the linguistic phenomenon of the phrasal verb (PV). The lexical meaning carried by a specific DP endows the resultative PV with unique meanings. This paper analyzes the semantic behavior of the resultative PV formed with chu (出 ‘out’), one of the most frequent DPs, from a cognitive approach. By analyzing data extracted from the BCC Corpus (BLCU Corpus Center), we have observed certain significant patterns. The results have shown that the semantic behavior of the resultative PV with chu (出 ‘out’) is suitable for representing the concept of ‘visibility’, motivated by the container image schema. This concept acts, first, as a source domain for figurative meanings such as ‘understand’. Secondly, it reflects in various specific interpretations linked to container metaphors. Therefore, it is concluded that the cognitive analysis allows us to distinguish the PV with chu (出 ‘out’) from the V+chu (出 ‘out’) grammatical constructions, establishing it as a consolidated lexical unit. This study provides a deeper understanding of the PV with chu (出 ‘out’) in Chinese and suggests future research in intercultural comparison and pedagogical applications in teaching Chinese as a foreign language.
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