The influence of cultural change on communication skills in children of basic education
communication skills, dialect, culture, cultural changeAbstract
This proposal arises from the need to respond to the educational needs of the migrant population, due to the fact that currently the number of Venezuelan students has increased in all educational institutions in the department of Arauca because they are in the border area, for what, the communication between the students has changed the dialect, since words from another culture are used, such as, coleto that means ragpicker, brush that is broom, pen is water hose, joke to name anything, naguara to admire something among other words that have another meaning about understanding reality and that presents a latent difficulty that is there, but that has not been paid attention to, such as the teaching of the curriculum as it was created years ago and that It should not be so due to the growing cultural change of the territory that influences in a certain way the interaction of individuals within the classroom to the community. take place orally and in writing. For its part, in the reading-writing process, one of the most important in the development of communicative skills, continues to teach letters with colloquial vocabulary, ignoring the new dialect introduced by the Venezuelan community to the Llanera region and that on many occasions puts them at a disadvantage. by not knowing the terms used by the llaneros making it difficult to understand the contents, therefore, it is of great importance to know how cultural change intervenes in the development of communication skills.
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